
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Video For Dad

Friday, July 30, 2010

Human Tetris (Brain Wall)

Eric was watching the latest game show on TV yesterday. I told him that its a remake of the Japanese game Brain Wall. This was shared by Chad a few years back. I thought the show was originally from the 90s. It seems the American one will be wildly popular if not already.

This is one episode of the classic show.

Other episodes:
Grandmaster or search human tetris. Usually entertaining for a minimum of 20 minutes. :P

Laugh of the day - "Why are you closed?"

The kids in the background make it funny. Reminds me of something I would have done.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I would like to see Willie Nelson perform this song.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Different Strokes

Have you ever worked with someone, whose every single thought is the exact opposite of yours.

Me - "Hey, would you like some pineapple for dessert"
Them - "Sure, I would love a slice of upside down pineapple cake."
Me - "....okay"

Their ideas are still reasonable, but its almost like they are on a completely different wavelength. As if they are 180 degrees out of tune. Its kinda of nice to work with someone who thinks the same as you, it reduces the explanation time. Oh well, such is life.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Bad Dog...very bad dog

It sucks having a dog that can't stop chewing. Nathan will have to go through what I went through growing up as a kid. If you don't put your toys away, they will start losing limbs. When I was a kid I pretended like the toys were victim of wars. Can you tell what is missing from this dinosaur? It just went from being a dinosaur to a crazy spike-y monster with no head...ROAARRR!

Mint Chocolate Chip Cupcake... I miss thee :(

Thursday, July 22, 2010


This was shared with me. Business cards made out of meat. If only they weren't so expensive. This is a business card I would WANT to hand out. Let me get my admin to order me a box of these....

I love it when someone hands me a handful of business cards. Its like saying "Hey, I ordered 3 boxes of these, why don't you take 5 of them and throw them away for me." I had one guy give me 3 today. I only need one.

Dennis and I were joking a few weeks ago, that it would be cool if business cards had your picture, your stats from work, and some information about you. Then when you handed them out, you could trade them with coworkers and friends. Some would even become collectors items.

And for some other stupid inventions:

UFO Flying Over China

David Letterman had a good line tonight.

David - "They have a video of a UFO flying over China, but what does
this mean?"
Paul - "It means the aliens have really cool music."

Sunday, July 18, 2010


One thing that grinds my goat is graffiti. I found this on my shipping container. What irks me even more is the poor English and lack of enthusiasm. "Jerry like dick"?. Shouldn't it be "Jerry Likes Dick"? But then I started thinking about it more and shouldn't "Jerry Loves Dick". But then under the cold stone standards, shouldn't it be "Jerry Gotta Have Ur Dick"? Now Jerry's true emotions are represented. F-graffers.

I then wondered if Jerry was the boss down at the shipping yard and a disgruntled employee scribbled this on the side of the container. That would be pretty stupid because Jerry is not likely to see it. But...what if it was written on every container, all 1000 of them that were at or passed through the port. Too funny.

Ready to ride

Unpacking today I found my helmet. He looked hilarious with it on. Reminded me of dark helmet from spaceballs. I couldn't get a good shot with it on because it kept knocking him forward. I think I will save it in case we get quads or dirt bikes one day.

Purple Striped Honu

We went to a children's play in Princeville titled "Where's Mom?", it was put on by a group called the purple striped honu. Honu is the word for turtle.

The play was really cool, musical, colorful and fun. The play was the perfect length; 10 minutes; and kept all the kids interested. They even let Nathan play the drum after. Really cool people, all about kids. I am really surprised more kids didn't show up. I was really expecting it to be packed. I forgot my camera :(

The Princeville library is really nice. We might have to make our way up there once a month to check out books, the little shows (next month the rangers are coming to talk about birds) And get a bite to eat.

Double Rainbow

It was a bit rainy today, distant showers with partial sun. Perfect rainbow weather. I kept my eye out for some rainbows. Thanks to Peter I was singing the double rainbow song all day.....thanks Peter.

Double Rainbow - Autotuned

Monday, July 12, 2010


"Trust equals risk for convenience. Trust no one." - D.Tuers

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ford Raptor

I test drove a 2010 SVT blue ford raptor with the new ford 6.2 engine and every option available. The raptor is the first commercial truck designed for racing. It's really wide, as wide as the h1. It has more elbow room than the H1. I could do the chicken dance in the drivers seat (that's a good way to describe it). The new engine is 400+hp, and it's surprisingly fast and the cab was extremely quiet. I came close to buying it, but I need to save all I can for our new house. I do need a pickup for the construction but the Nissan should be able to meet the need. One day my dinky Nissan will get traded in. I will never consider trading the hummer for the raptor. On a cool scale the raptor is up there, but not that high.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Samuel Jackson stars in Babies on a plane

No. Not really. But babies on a plane sounds more horrific than snakes. Actually if it was 50/50 snakes/babies + Samuel Jackson, I think we might have a blockbuster straight to blu ray sequel.

Back to the topic. I have a new respect for parents that have to deal with screaming babies on a plane. Now that I have experienced it, it was a complete nightmare. I will now be more understanding of un-cooperative kids. There really is nothing you can do for a kid screaming his head off. A few strangers tried to help by trying to talk the little guy. It was nice, and helped calm him for a very brief period of time. I will do the same I'm the future.

I also now know why we chose not to travel with a little baby. You are forced into an environment(the airplane) where you can't control the situation. You then feel guilty about the disturbing others. I can also understand that although many people choose not to travel with a small child, some maybe forced to travel.


I was wondering what all the comotion was down at the bottom of the hill. It looked like they were setting up for a giant wedding with
200 guests, a huge tent, etc. What didn't make sense was why they were setting up for a movie on a Tuesday. I asked my neighbor, and he said they ate filming pirates of the Caribean there. If I see Johnny Depp I will be sure to comment on his piss poor over performance. In all seriousness, I probably wouldn't say anything. I haven't watched any of them since the first one. I might have to watch this one to see if I can spot the cocoa palms. I have been wanting to hop the fence and do some photography there. Maybe one day. Really don't want to get a ticket or fine for tresspassing, but the photography would be awesome. Plus the property has so much heritage that it would be cool to go exploring.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


So long California. May we one day meet again ;)